CRank: 5Score: 840

Thank you for being such a loyal customer.

The fact that you are trying to spin this as positive news for us, however delusional, is nothing short of breathtaking. I will take your name of the "timed RROD list".

And thank you for tying to convince ps3 fanboys that because 1 single article isn't against the ps3, that none of them are. You lack of logic should defy anyone you speak to.

Thanks again.


Aaron Greenbot ...

5728d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment


5729d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

No need to feel worried man, you didn't have to tell us about your ps3.

The problem is people like Death will say "ZOMFG look at Xbox beating ps3 how saaaaaad for ps3 blahahaha"

yet ignore what #1 says on that chart.

But yes I agree the 360 is doing well, mostly because of the "Deathgrip" hold it has on American pun intended

5730d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


5730d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

360s account for over 70% of Home Heating Devices in US

The End.

5730d ago 15 agree6 disagreeView comment

Quit trying to change the argument.

The fact remains, dear Death, that what started this whole thing was you flaming me in another thread claiming that you have "honesty and integrity", yet looking through your post history, and from me tricking you into telling me how many ps3 trophies you have, I have made the case that you are a stealth 360 fanboy.

I have proven that you, not even by accident, have not achieved 1 ps3 trophy. You can even get trophies in ...

5730d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Death, there are at least 50 games that do support trophies. All you have to do for Pain is update it and you can get trophies. You would know that if you turned on your ps3 and went online.

As far as Gamerscore, mine is 2610, my trophies are 140. Neither one is very high, because I don't just stick to 1 console. See how that works? And here you thought I really hated people like you...

Seriously though, Death, stop using old arguments to support your slant. The ps3 ...

5730d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I respect Death, but he's gotta get those ps3 trophies up if he wants me to believe that he sees things clearly...

Or that I don't

5730d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Gamerscore: 12115
ps3 trophies: 0

But your unbiased?


5730d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Death: "I have absolutely zero trophies though."

Gamerscore: 12115
ps3 trophies: 0

But your unbiased?


Dude, I rest my freaking case. Your gamerscore is what, 10,000+ yet you cannot find time to get 1 (ONE) ps3 trophy?

Really Death? And you argued with me this whole time knowing I was right...

Your soul looks like a 360 fanboy, I'm sorry. Thanks for being honest, though, I think if yo...

5730d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's great Death. I actually own 3 360's and 1 ps3, but I'm still a ps3 fanboy, and just because you own a ps3 doesn't mean you like it, or you aren't a 360 fanboy trying to act all neutral (and take down the biggest thorn in your side, me).

I see right thru you Death. I see right thru your comments and into your soul. Guess what? When I joined this site, 2 years ago, I signed up as "wiips360" so people would think I was neutral, so I could trick them like you try to ...

5730d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Death, the reason you don't like me is because you know I am right. You are defensive because you are a fanboy, but you don't want people to know about it.

So you go around commenting like you are neutral, yet inside you have your allegiance, as I have mine. But you fault me for going about it in a different way than you do.

Don't hate the player Death, hate the game.

5730d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

So you want me to be a stealth fanboy like you?

No thanks.

5730d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I posted below, but now you are getting out of hand.

With 1 click you can ignore me, yet you've chosen to directly address me, knowing the nature of all things here? There are many, many people, on both sides of this thing, that you could spend your time addressing, than try to somehow spin this and make me look bad.

I've been here for a long time, Death. I've been here for 2 years while one side gets constantly attacked, over and over, without merit. I provide a uni...

5730d ago 18 agree8 disagreeView comment


5730d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

please stop being reasonable and logical, this is

but as to your question, I'm just posting in case the legions of 360 faithful come trolling, that way I won't have to do it later.

"PS3 owners need to realize not all games are judged on their sales and ratings. There are some very good games that fail to reach even 1 million units and get a score over 70%."

everyone needs to realize this Death, not just ps3 owners.

5730d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

"I have to wear this helmet when I play the game, in order to be safe"

No, you have to wear a helmet because you're retarded...

5730d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

there should be 3 comment zones on n4g:

1. noob zone (formerly gamer zone)
2. jerk zone (formerly open zone)
3. real gamer zone

you comment belongs in #3 my friend

the wii is a joke, ps[3]60 is win

5730d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Here let me translate:

"Sony thinks that Little Big Planet's Sale are going accordingly."


"OMFG we are SO SCARED...have you SEEN Killzone 2? It is being compared to CRYSIS for God sakes. WE ARE IN A CRISIS!!!! we've GOT to fire up the propaganda engine RIGHT NOW....hurry UP and release ZODU or TOFU or whatever the heck that game is called....QUICK"

Nate, hope this helps.

5730d ago 18 agree6 disagreeView comment

This is what I get for paying retards to write anti-Sony news.

With 1UP/EGM boarded up, and the whole internet aware of my company's ties to Variety, CNET, Gamespot, and Metacritic, there aren't many options for me at this point.

But it's a win/win for me. The author is the one responsible for trying to make 1.3 million copies of LBP sold in 4 months a bad thing. If he succeeds, great. If not, he looks bad, not me.

Well, at least not until I spilled th...

5730d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment